Naomi Campbell shows off her age-defying figure in a
swimsuit on the cover of Shape magazine’s April 2014 issue.
On covering magazines: “I've been on almost every magazine
in existence, but this is my first time posing for Shape, and I’m thrilled. Of
course, I wish I had done it when I was younger, but it’s an honor to be here
at any age ”Every cover I got, I fought for. No’s don’t deter me—they make me
more determined.”
On quitting smoking: “People told me that cigarettes are
harder to quit than alcohol. I didn’t believe it, but you know what? It is
harder. I’m not someone who wants to light up inside people’s homes, including
my own, and I don’t want to stand outside on street corners anymore. It’s still
a struggle. In fact, just talking about it makes me crave one, so let’s stop, please!
But I am really trying.”
On foods she eats and stays away from: “I don’t eat fish,
pork or tuna or any other fish that eats another fish because of mercury. I
like spicy foods. I put chili spice on everything!”