Crackle Nail Polish trend

You know how you usually freak out, say a choice word or boil with frustration when you smudge or chip a fresh manicure? Well, looking un- polished (sorry, we had to!) isn’t so taboo in the manicure world anymore.
The newest trend to hit salon and store shelves is crackle nail polish. Yes, it looks just like it sounds. It creates a crackly, textured look on your nails. With some brands crackle nail polish almost gives off a safari or leopard print vibe. While makeup companies dabbled in the crackle nail polish trend years ago, today’s crackle polishes come in a wide spectrum of colors with varying shimmers and truly give off an edgy, artsy look.

To get the desired look, you paint on a base color and top it with a black top coat that crackles over the base coat. 

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