Showing posts with label Manscaping. Show all posts

Friday 20 April 2012

The Art of Manscaping

In the beauty industry, there are some very quietly whispered affairs usually known as beauty secrets. When it concerns men, then it almost always starts like an underground movement.
One of those movements happens to be male grooming. But not just any ordinary grooming. It’s manscaping. The term is described in the Urban Dictionary as “to groom a man-shaving, waxing, cleaning up the superfluous fur.” Or as “a term used to define male grooming below the belt. A male can use either an electric razor or a regular razor. A Mach 3 is preferable with the ladies…so men must educate themselves on proper manscaping and maintenance techniques”
In the midst of some hilarious definitions also erupts “a fine art form exclusive to men; the continued upkeep of exceptional hygiene and strategic hair removal as they pertain to the male body”
© geeks fashion
Maira Gall