Of New Year resolutions For Fashion Geek

I know, it’s the second month of 2014 and resolutions are usually made in the beginning of the year. I never really make resolutions or write them down anyway just thoughts I tick off in my head as I go along. But I’ve decided I need to make this one, I haven’t really been blogging that much due to some unrelated reasons and other stresses of life. So this time I think I need to put it down on paper as a goal I have for this New Year 2014. Written down resolutions have more meaning than just declaring something and let it fall as it may. And the best part is that now that I will put it down I will have no more excuses as to why I have not achieved it come December 31st 2014. Now that I will share it with the whole world I will have people that I will be accountable to…not just for encouragement but also for critiques.
So here goes my 2014 resolution for fashion geek….my goal which I must absolutely achieve this year is…drum rolls please….to WRITE 1,000 POSTS by December 31st 2014! Now it’s out there and I have no control over it. I absolutely must achieve this goal not just for my own piece of mind but also to give me something to thank God for and as a self-esteem booster. Once I achieve it, I will celebrate it and do something really great…like…hhhhm I need to think of the best way to reward myself for achieving this goal. I have 14 POSTS so far so in the meantime I need to keep moving so wish me luck guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now back to fashion, I’ m loving the Black and White Stripes fashion that has been a great hit for some time. Add a dash of this monochrome look and you are off to a great fashion start. Here are some of my favorite Black and White Stripes LOOKS.

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