Celebrating 100,000 PageViews

This post is just a thank you to all my readers who made it possible to reach the over 100, 000 page views. None of it would have been possible without your reading the information in my blog. Fashion Geek is only able to be part of the wider world wide web because of you my dear reader. All the fashion ideas, suggestions and even motivation to write come from the fact that you read them and even make comments about my work.
Writing is my passion and I love fashion so writing about it makes me happy and having readers makes it even more exciting. Fashion Geek is all about fashion and anything that makes us beautiful and look forward to facing the days. You might be having a bad day or not feeling in the mood but fashion makes you have a better day even if it is just a little accessory to add to an already fabulous outfit. So enjoy your stay at Fashion Geek, keep giving me feedback whether good or bad I appreciate it all because you make me better.
For this post to celebrate 100,000 page views I though what better way to do it than to showcase exciting fashion photography.
Here's to 100,000 more hits :()

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