Sasha and Malia Obama's Fashion moments

Sasha and Malia Obama are all grown up and such their outfits have also grown with them. Dressed in stylish outfits that are always fit for any occasion, whether it is the outdoors relaxing, having a state dinner or attending their father's functions, the two sisters have always turned up looking gorgeous and lovely.
Just because you are a teenager or becoming one does not mean that you should not look presentable and immaculate when stepping out of the house. Wear what is comfortable and will allow you to have fun should you choose to hang out with your buddies later.
Whether it is dresses or trousers keep it well fitting and presentable, not too boring. Enjoy your teenage hood by experimenting on what suits you and what color combinations you love, do not be in a hurry to grow up you still have a long way to go.
Editor: fashion geek

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